If you wish to conduct research to validate a translated version, adapt the tool, or perform psychometric testing- please contact: j.hill@keele.ac.uk for permission AND read our Disclaimer for vital information
International STarTBack translations
Researcher | Level of research | Tool links |
Raimundo A, Parraca JA, Batalha N, Tomas-Carus P, Branco JC, Hill J, Gusi N narcis.gusi@gmail.com | Formal translation | Portuguese version |
Pierre Rocher University of Kawzulu-Natal pierre.roscher@gmail.com | Informal translation | Afrikaans translation |
Laura Simons, Elizabeth Carpino, Melissa Pielech, Deirdre Logan, Rachael Coakley, Jonathan Hill Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, USA Laura.Simons@childrens.harvard.edu | Formal translation | Adaptation for children & adolescents PPST-with scoring For children & adolescents to self-administer PPST - to self-administer |
Lina Elsabbagh lina.elsabbagh@jhah.com | Formal translation and cross-cultural adaptation | Arabic translation Link to article |
Freddy Beretta Marcondes freddy@iwmello.com.br | Formal translation | Brazilian Portuguese translation |
Nidia Espinoza Corvalán (Dermofunctional Clinic Tobalaba), Claudia Gonzalez Fuster (Dermatofuncional Beauty Corp Clinic), Catherine Torrealba Cornejo (Emergency Hospital Public Assistance), Carolina Mera Moreira (San Jose De Maipo Hospital Complex) - San Sebastián University Luis Henriquez Fuentes (San Sebastián University) - Universidad de Chile nespinozac@ussmail.cl | Formal translation and cross-cultural adaptation | Chilean Spanish translation |
Calvin Kwan kmhc313@gmail.com | Informal translation | Chinese translation |
Simeon Grazio simeon.grazio@zg.t-com.hr | Informal translation | Croatian translation |
Hanne Albert and Lars Morsoe Lars.Morsoe@slb.regionsyddanmark.dk | Formal translation Patient face validity, Psychometrics | Danish translation Link to article |
Jasper D Bier-validation lead, j.bier@erasmusmc.nl Department of General Practice, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and Fysiotherapie Fascinatio, Capelle aan den Ijssel, the Netherlands. Raymond W J G Ostelo, Miranda L van Hooff-original translation lead, Sint Maartenskliniek, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Bart W Koes, Arianne P Verhagen | Formal translation, Patient face validity and reproducibility | Dutch translation Link to article |
So Teele Kaarma-Tonne Tartu University Hospital teele.kaarma@gmail.com | Formal translation | Estonian translation |
Jaro Karppinen Jaro Karpinen@ttl.fi | Informal translation | Finnish translation |
Christophe Demoulin and Olivier Bruyere Christophe.Demoulin@ulg.ac.be | Formal translation, Patient face validity | French translation Link to article |
Bernhard Aebischer and Sven Karstens Sven Karstens s.karstens@hochschule-trier.de | Informal translation, Patient face validity, Psychometrics | German translation Link to article |
EvdokiaBillis, Konstantinos Fousekis, Maria Tsekour, Sofia Lampropoulou, Charalampos Matzaroglou- Department of Physiotherapy, School of Health Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Patras, Patras, Greece, billis@upatras.gr John Gliatis-Orthopaedic Department, University Hospital of Patras, Greece Christos Sinopidis-Orthopaedic Department, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece Jonathan Hill-School of Medicine, Keele University, UK Nikolaos Strimpakos-Department of Physiotherapy, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Greece | Formal translation, cross-cultural adaptation and validation | Greek translation Link to article |
Azimi Parisa parisa.azimi@gmail.com | Patient face validity | Link to article-Persian |
Department of Physiotheraoy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ariel University Noa Ben-Ami noaba@ariel.ac.il | Formal translation, cross-cultural adaptation and validation | Hebrew translation Link to article |
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, University Hospitals of Birmingham NHS Trust Dr Deepak Malik deepak.malik@uhb.nhs.uk | Informal translation | Hindi translation |
Julia Szita,Laszlo Kiss,Adam Biczo,Katalin Feher,Peter P. Varga &Aron Lazary National Center for Spinal Disorders, Buda Health Center, Budapest, Hungary julia.szita@bhc.hu | Formal translation, validation and cross-cultural adaptation | Hungarian translation Link to article-Hungarian |
Firmansyah Purwanto, Physiotherapist, Klinik Halmahera Medika fisiofirman@gmail.com | Informal translation | Indonesian translation |
Luca Scascighini luca.scascighini@supsi.ch | Informal translation | Italian translation |
Peta-Ann Schmidt University of Witwatersrand paschmidt@mweb.co.za | Formal translation | isiZulu translation Link to article |
Mika Kawaguchi, Ko Matsudaira Department of Medical Research & Management for Musculoskeletal Pain, 22nd Century Medical and Research Center University of Tokyo mika_kawaguchi@jp-css.com | Formal translation, Patient face validity, Psychometrics | Japanese translation Link to article |
Da-yeon, Kim Korea Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Association | Informal translation | Korean translation |
Shuo Luan, Chao Ma and Shaoling Wu Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital (Primary sponsor), Boji Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University and Central Hospital of Guangzhou Panyu District, China 15018761213@163.com | Formal translation, Patient face validity | Chinese (traditional) translation Link to article |
Led by Saurab Sharma and Riju Maharjan. Questionnaire translations were conducted by Anupa Pathak, Tika Regmi, Jeniya Maharjan, Amit Dangol, Riju Maharjan | Formal translation | Nepali translation |
Ingvild Lie Indergaard Margreth Grotle | Formal translation, Patient face validity | Norwegian translation 6-items Norwegian translation 9-items Norwegian translation 5-items |
Mohsen Abedi and S.J Mousavi mohsenabedi110@yahoo.com | Formal translation, | Persian translation |
Adrian Chudyk Research Institute for Primary Care and Health Sciences, Keele University a.chudyk@keele.ac.uk | Informal translation | Polish translation |
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, University Hospitals of Birmingham NHS Trust Dr Deepak Malik deepak.malik@uhb.nhs.uk | Informal translation | Punjabi translation |
Vasiliy Tkachenko tkachenkovd@yandex.ru | Informal translation | Russian translation |
Narcis Gusi and Borja del Pozo Cruz borjadelpozo@unex.es | Formal translation, Patient face validity | Spanish translation Link to article |
Carola Betten cabe0036@student.umu.se | Formal translation, Patient face validity | Swedish translation |
Raghu Chovvath Sri Ramachandra University,Chennai, India chovvath@gmail.com | Informal translation | Tamil translation |
Murat Dalkilinc Turgut Ozal University, Ankara, Turkey ptmurat@hotmail.com | Formal translation, | Turkish translation |
Usman Arshad Siddiqi Usman.Siddiqi@bolton.nhs.uk | Informal translation, Patient face validity | Urdu translation |
Rhian Lewis | Informal translation | Welsh translation |
C.E Mbada Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria Dr. Olufemi O. Oyewole, Department of Physiotherapy, Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital, Sagamu, Nigeria e-mail: oyewoleye@yahoo.co.uk, oyewoleye@gmail.com | Translation and psychometric evaluation | Yoruba translation Link to article-Yoruba |
Dorice Adrian Magayane doriceadrian@gmail.com Department of Physiotherapy, College of Health Sciences Jomo Kenyatta University University of Agriculture & Technology, Kenya | Formal translation | Swahili translation Link to article-Swahili |
Dr Taweewat Wiangkham Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences Research Unit, Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok 65000 THAILAND | Formal translation, psychometric evaluation and cros-cultural adaptation | Thai translation Link to article-Thai Link to article-STarTBack in neck pain-Thai |
Md. Israt Hasan isratpmr@gmail.com and Syed Mozaffar Ahmed Department of Physical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Shahbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh | Formal translation and cross-cultural adaptation | Bangla translation Link to article-Bangla |
Hauron Wambua hauronmbithi@yahoo.com student at University of Witswatesrands South Africa | Formal translation and cross-cultural adaptation | SiSwati translation |
Tiba, Alexandru, alexandrutiba@gmail.com Department of Psychology, University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania | Formal translation and cross-cultural adaptation | Romanian Translation |
We are very grateful to our colleagues who have supplied translations. If they have formal qualifications as a translator we have described this as a formal translation. If the validity of the translated tool has been confirmed in a research setting this is also indicated. In the case of an informal translation the person supplying the translation does not have formal qualifications as a translator. As such, Keele University makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy or reliability of the translated tool for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such translation is strictly at your own risk. In the event of any conflict between the English language version and the translated version, the English language version shall prevail. If you notice any inconsistency, please report it to us by contacting j.hill@keele.ac.uk
How to translate the Keele STarT Back Tool
Important: Do not begin a translation of the Keele STarT Back Tool into any foreign language/s until you have received written permission from the Versus Arthritis UK Primary Care Centre, UK to proceed with the translation
We recommend that anyone wishing to translate the Keele STarT Back Tool read the following: Recommendations for the Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Health Status Measures
Please follow the instructions in this document and forward any queries about translating the Keele STarT Back Tool, or new translations to:
Professor Jonathan Hill
Professor of Physiotherapy
Director for Research for the School of Allied Health Professionals
School of Medicine
Primary Care Centre Versus Arthritis
Keele University
United Kingdom
+44 (0)1782 73900
When using the tool please ensure the copyright and funding statement is maintained at all times.